Okay, so I fully and completely admit that I am loving this fall, because it means I don't look half as crazy for knitting sweaters....wee.
I fully admit that I have been slacking on the knitting lately. I have had entirely too much going on for me to dedicate any time to knitting (as sad as that is). What is worse is that I admit I have stared at my yarn and played with it, sorted the needles (because for some reason I had a few that seemed to be missing their partners), and longed to work on a few of the projects I had earmarked for this fall....but alas, I could never find the time to start.
Between the new job (which I love), the new place (which is still in utter chaos), birthdays (my little girl is not 3 anymore *sniff*) and other silly life things which have gotten in the way, I just haven't had the time to do anything for me.
So finally...Monday, I sucked it up, and decided to take some me time...well deserved me time. I started the sweater below for my daughter. And yes, it is the same yarn as for the poncho I made her previously. She likes it because it is bright. I like it because it makes her smile.