Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Absolutely Heinous

I learned about this earlier today, and I have to say that, even though I work in the legal field, I am thoroughly disgusted by the actions of Walmart. There comes a point in time where morals and doing what is right should come before what you are legally allowed (and not obligated) to do.

Much as I love Walmart, I cannot say that I will be able to shop there again. Hello Zellers!!! (And that has the bonus of being Canadian, eh? lol).



Stephanie N said...

OH MY GOD!!!! I didn't hear about that at all! What a bunch of arseholes!!!!

KnittyBitch said...

Yeah. I must say that I was utterly disgusted by this when I saw it. I mean, they were already teetering on the edge of "I don't like their pracice of using unregulated foreign countries to produce their products", since there is no way to telling how these people are being treated, but this was a bit much. Made me sad, really, since you always hear about what a good place they are, and how they are constantly trying to do things for people...

Stephanie N said...

Yeah, I always kind of looked at them that way too, like "I like your products and your prices, but I think you're a jerky corporate entity" but now, yikes. That's really sickening....

Mama Brook said...

That really is sickening.
I am so glad that that poor woman was at least oblivious to her situation, but her poor husband. Ugh, big business is really all about profit - all their 'donations' and other 'community outreach programs' are just to bring in even more profits.

Anyways.. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I thought I should post a light hearted video after that whooper of a post :)