Friday, May 16, 2008

Stash Bashing

So, it is May 24 weekend...and, as always, the weather is going to be crap. Rain, followed by rain and rain. Sounds fun, eh?

As such, I have decided to dedicate this weekend to stash short, getting some of the stash gone so I can justify buying new yarn...

I currently have 2 sweaters for the fetus's in my life (or friend's lives, I guess I should say) mostly completed. By this I mean I kept jumping from one to the other to the I currently have the backs of both done, the left and right fronts of both done, and one sleeve of each done. Go, me, go!!! (Both will be completed by the end of the weekend or so help me, I might just threaten to take away my needles...or not...)

However, I have a ton of patterns currently flagged or modded and waiting for their casting I would very much like to get those started. I promised myself a while ago that I had to start finishing projects before starting new ones. So that is what this weekend will be. An excuse to start new ones because the UFOs are done! (Note, this is where many persons should be thinking "yes, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions"

ttfn, and Happy May 24 everyone!!!

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